Category Archive

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Teamwork and creativity

Edward de Bono | 09 December 2010

Many people believe that creativity should be as free and unstructured as possible. But I would argue that creativity can better be delivered through teams whose function and tasks are clearly and distinctly defined.

The value of collaboration

Bill Fischer | 02 December 2010

Co-creation is the business idea of the moment. Why? Because the more ideas you can work with, the better. So more minds are always better than fewer, and the more different minds you can enlist, the higher the probability of finding a really different idea.

21 reasons for optimism

Dawna Jones | 23 November 2010

Granted, staying positive in the midst of personal and global upheaval isn't easy. But we can create a fresh future out of the ashes of our mistakes. Here are twenty-one reasons how and why.

November Brainstorm

Jurgen Wolff | 16 November 2010

This time, Jurgen examines the power of stupid ideas, learns about innovation from Thomas Edison, helps you identify if you are a perfectionist and explores the persuasion principle.

October Brainstorm

Jurgen Wolff | 22 October 2010

This month, Jurgen discusses how to create an idea locker, how to be happy, a better way to organizing your work and how to break an insanity cycle - as well as how to know whether you're stuck in one.

Management thinking is not all about problems

Edward de Bono | 19 October 2010

Far too many executives believe that management thinking is all about continuity and problem-solving. But what if something is not a problem?

September Brainstorm

Jurgen Wolff | 24 September 2010

It's September, almost October, time to start giving some thought to what you want to be feeling when this year ends. Will you be pleased with what you've done? Think about that while we explore some more interesting and unusual ways to boost your creativity.

Innovation lessons from Apple

Bill Fischer | 09 September 2010

Almost everyone's choice for the most innovative firm of recent years is Apple. But as history shows, it's far from easy to deliver consistent innovation. So what is the secret of Apple's innovation success?

Why intelligence does not equal better thinking

Edward de Bono | 08 September 2010

Most of us assume that intelligent people are better at thinking. But this is not necessarily true. Just because somebody is good at analysis doesn't mean that they will be good at design thinking or operational thinking.

Innovation stifled by senior management

Brian Amble | 08 September 2010

Why are some companies so much better at innovation than others? One answer, according to recent research, is keeping senior managers as far away from the innovation process as possible.

August Brainstorm

Jurgen Wolff | 31 August 2010

This month, more tips and techniques to boost your creativity, exploding an old communication myth, exploring the power of words and how treating a difficult situation as an opportunity to experiment can yield some surprising results.

Finding the motivation for creativity

Edward de Bono | 02 August 2010

To climb a mountain you need the intention and the right attitude – the belief that it can be done. But you also need to learn climbing skills. Exactly the same is true of creative thinking.

Summer Brainstorm

Jurgen Wolff | 20 July 2010

This time, we explore a process to improve innovation, learn from Pixar about the importance of changing direction and muse on whether you are asking the right questions.

Looking beyond problem-solving

Edward de Bono | 09 July 2010

Problem-solving is valuable in itself. But identifying a problem and working to put it right isn't the key to unlocking real creativity. That's all about exploring possibilities, questioning established ideas and looking for value.

Dealing with the complexity gap

Brian Amble | 21 June 2010

The world is becoming more volatile, more uncertain and more complicated. That makes life tough for CEOs trying to navigate this complexity, many of whom don't believe that either they or their organisations are equipped to deal with it.

Can China's maintain its competitive advantage?

Bill Fischer | 09 June 2010

Until now, China's competitive advantage has been based on cheap labour, not innovation. But if it is to remain anything more than a low-wage producer, China has to find innovative ways of sustaining growth.

Leadership and the need for creative thinking

Edward de Bono | 03 June 2010

It's no accident that business is more interested in thinking than other sectors of society. It is because business has a reality test. There is a bottom line. There are results. And better or more creative thinking will result in more profits or market share.

Do group dynamics stifle innovation?

Brian Amble | 25 May 2010

Far from encouraging creative thinking, group dynamics, group brainstorms and traditional corporate structures are the enemy of businesses trying to encourage innovation, new research suggests.

May Brainstorm

Jurgen Wolff | 13 May 2010

This time, some advice on how to give you brain a boost, a simple idea that could that turn your business around, self-improvement lessons from Benjamin Franklin and a perplexing question: do you give your dog more treats than you give yourself?

From blind spots to strategic intelligence

Bettina Büchel | 05 May 2010

Nothing breeds success like success, the old proverb goes. But this is not always the case when it comes to business growth. Many organizations become victims of their own success. They achieve rapid growth by introducing new products but quickly find that they cannot sustain this for more than a couple of years.

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